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A Warm Welcome to the WAR GRAVE PHOTO SERVICE which has been running since 1984. we offer to find & locate graves / memorials of service men & women We take photo's for reletives who are unable to travel & see their loved ones graves. Next Trip: EMAIL FOR 2017 & 2018 DATES |
Welcome to War Grave Photos which will be an interest to the family tree researcher and military buff.
Since the outbreak of war in 1914 and to the of the 2nd world war over 1.75 million men and women from all parts of the British Empire came forward to fight for King and Country and gave their lives. Many have graves, many more are just names on memorials.
At the end of the 1st world war there was a total of 585,000 that had graves another 530,000 were missing and had no resting place.
Memorial Folder Photo Set
we take 6 photos in total which we present in a memorial folder for safe keeping we also lay a poppy cross on yours & your familys behalf. email us for full details etc. |
It took 65 years before any member of my family was able to see my grandfathers grave, not even a photo was available before that. ( SEE PICTURE ABOVE OF HIS GRAVE. COMBLES MILITARY EXT: FRANCE ) So how many more are long forgotten or just too far to see.
On the 1st day of the battle of the Somme 21,392 men died, so if 15% visited at the graves side that leaves 3,209 still awaiting loved ones to visit.
read of our service!
This is where we can help.
As we believe for some time the Commonwealth War Grave Commission are no longer able to take photo's as it is time consuming and costly to them. |

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